Microeconomic Theory II
Spring 2000 GMU Syllabus

Economics 812, meets Thursday, 6:00-8:40 during Spring 2000, in room Arlington 257.

Instructor: Robin D. Hanson, Asst. Professor, Economics (rhanson@gmu.edu, http://robinhanson.com)
Office Hours: I'm usually in at 10b Carow Hall. Call ahead (703-993-2326) if you want to be sure. I'm also available to meet with students in Arlington immediately after class.
Catalog Entry:

812 Microeconomic Theory II (3:3:0). Prerequisite: ECON 611. Nature of the firm, theory of supply, and production functions, factor pricing, and supplies. Introduction to microeconomic foundations of theories of public finance and public choice.
Required Text:
Walter Nicholson. Microeconomic Theory: Basic Principles and Extensions, 7th edition, 1998, Dryden Press, Harcourt Brace College Publishers.
WeekLecture TopicText ChaptersHomework
27 Jan Overview, Math Review Ch. 1-2. 2.1,2.6,2.7
3 Feb Technology and ProductionCh. 11. 11.1-11.4 (collect)
10 Feb Costs of ProductionCh. 12. 12.1-12.5
17 Feb Profit Maximization and Supply Ch. 13. 13.1-13.4,13.6 (collect)
24 Feb Partial Equilibrium, Competitive ModelCh. 14. 14.1-14.2,14.4-14.6 (collect)
2 Mar Models of Monopoly MarketsCh. 18. 18.1-18.3,18.7
9 Mar Slack and Review
16 Mar Spring Break
23 Mar Review and Midterm Exam
30 Mar Oligopoly and Industrial OrganizationCh.19-20. 19.1-19.3,19.7 (collect)
6 Apr Factor Markets, Monopsony, and Labor MarketsCh. 21-22. 21.1-21.2,22.1-22.3
13 Apr Capital MarketsCh. 23. 23.6 (collect)
20 Apr General Equilibrium and Welfare EconomicsCh. 16-17. 16.1-16.2
27 Apr Public Goods, Externalities, and Property RightsCh. 24-25. 24.1-24.4 (collect)
2 May Slack and Review
11 May Final Exam at regular class time