(Master's) Microeconomic Theory
Spring 2012 GMU Syllabus

Economics 612 (Section 001), meets Tuesday, 7:20-10:00pm during Spring 2012, at Arlington campus, Founders Hall, Room 466.

Instructor: Robin D. Hanson, Assoc. Professor, Economics (rhanson@gmu.edu, http://robinhanson.com)
Office Hours: Tuesday 5-7pm, at Arlington office, Truland Building 226. (If the Truland 2nd floor door is locked, call my cell 703-201-8129.) Other days and times I'm usually in Fairfax, at Carow Hall Room 10A, 703-993-2326.
Catalog Entry:

612 Microeconomic Theory (3:3:0). Credits: 3 Nature of the firm; theory of supply; and production functions, factor pricing, and supplies. Introduces microeconomic foundations of theories of public finance and public choice. Prerequisites: ECON 611.
Recommended Texts: (None are required.)
Robert S. Pindyck and Daniel L. Rubinfeld, Microeconomics, 7th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2009, ISBN 0132080230.
Andreu Mas-Colell, Michael D. Whinston and Jerry R. Green, Microeconomic Theory, Oxford University Press, 1995, ISBN 0195073401.
DateLecture TopicPR ChaptersMWG Chapters
24 Jan Intro, Supply and Demand Ch. 1,2. Ch. 10 Hmwk 1
31 Jan Welfare and Regulation Ch. 4.4, 9 Ch. 10 Hmwk 2
07 Feb More Supply, Demand, Welfare Ch.14.1,15 Ch. 5,6 Hmwk 3
14 Feb Externalities Ch. 18 Ch. 11 Hmwk 4
21 Feb Consumer Behavior and Demand Ch. 3,4 Ch. 1,2,3 Hmwk 5
28 Feb Applications
06 Mar Midterm
13 Mar Spring Break
20 Mar Monopoly Ch. 10,11 Ch. 12 Hmwk 6
27 Mar No Class
03 Apr Game Theory Ch. 13 Ch. 7,8,9 Hmwk 7
10 Apr Uncertainty Ch. 5 Ch. 6 Hmwk 8
17 Apr Information Ch. 17 Ch. 8 Hmwk 9
24 Apr General Equilibrium Ch. 16 Ch. 10 Hmwk 10
01 May Applications and Review Paper due
15 MayFinal Exam 7:30-10:15pm
Note: I reserve the right to change the homework up until the day it is handed out.